銀座 フォルム画廊
瀬本容子 金地テンペラ画展
In early October 2020, Yoko Semoto’s solo exhibition was held at the Form Gallery in Ginza, Tokyo. In this solo exhibition, many new works were exhibited and a large number of people visited the exhibition.

・新作「童子像(端午)」 2020年、テンペラ画、板絵、サムホール
New work ‘A Little Boy’ 2020, tempera on board
It is a new work with a child drawn. The child who celebrated the Boys’ Festival is wearing a handmade helmet.

・新作「ざくろと桃(静物)」 2020年、テンペラ画、板絵、F3
New work ‘A Pomegranate and peaches, tempera on board, F3
A new work of a pomegranate and peaches. Please see the details of the gorgeous vessel and rich fruits.

場所:銀座 フォルム画廊 東京都中央区銀座5丁目7-10 中村積善会ビル7F
Period: October 8 (Thu)-17 (Sat), 2020
Business hours: 11:00 – 18:30
Location: Ginza Form Gallery, 7F, Nakamura Shazenkai Building, 5-7-10 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo